Periodic Report
Consolidated report for 2020
- Consolidated statement RS_2020
- Consolidated financial statement for the financial year ending on 31 december 2020 consistent with the international financial reporting standards approved by the EU
- Report of the Management Board of the Parent Company on activities of the Elektrociepłownia "Będzin" S.A. Group of Companies in 2020
- Management letter
- Resolution No. 6/X/2021 of the Supervisory Board of the Elektrociepłownia "Będzin" S.A. Company of 30 April 2021
- Resolution No. 9/X/2021 of the Supervisory Board of the Elektrociepłownia "Będzin" S.A. Company of 30 April 2021
- Information on the absence of an auditing firm's report from the audit of financial statements for 2020