Ordinary General Meeting

Ordinary General Meeting of Elektrociepłownia "Będzin" S.A. is held on 28 June 2018 at 9:00 hours in Poznań in the Elektrociepłownia "Będzin" S.A. headquarters at ul. Bolesława Krzywoustego, nr 7, 61-144 Poznań.
The planned agenda for the Annual General Meeting includes:
Opening of the General Meeting.
Election of a Chairman of the General Meeting.
Acknowledging that the General Meeting has been properly convened and has the capacity to adopt binding resolutions.
Refraining from establishing a ballot counting committee.
Adoption of the agenda for the General Meeting.
Presentation of the report of the Management Board on operations of the Company in 2017
Presentation of the financial statements of the Company for 2017.
Presentation of the report of the Management Board on operations of the Capital Group Elektrociepłownia „Będzin’ S.A. for 2017.
Presentation of the Consolidated financial statements of the Capital Group Elektrociepłownia „Będzin’ S.A. for 2017.
Presentation of the report of the Supervisory Board on its activities in the financial year 2017.
Presentation of the report of the Company's Supervisory Board on results of evaluation of the Separate financial statements, report on operations and motion concerning the distribution of profit, as well as the Consolidated financial statements of the company and report on operations of the Capital Group Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. for 2017.
Adoption of a resolution on the approval of the Management Board's report on operations of the Company in 2017.
Adoption of a resolution on the approval of the Separate financial statements of Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. for 2017.
Adoption of a resolution on the approval of the Management Board's report on operations of the Capital Group Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. for 2017.
Adoption of a resolution on the approval of the Consolidated financial statements of the Capital Group Elektrociepłownia „Będzin’ S.A. for 2017.
Adoption of a resolution on the allocation of net profit for 2017.
Adoption of resolutions on the acknowledgement of the fulfilment of duties by members of the corporate bodies of the Company in 2017.
Closing of the General Meeting.