Ordinary General Meeting
Ordinary General Meeting of Elektrociepłownia "Będzin" S.A. is held on 19 June 2017 at 9:00 hours in Poznań in the Elektrociepłownia "Będzin" S.A. headquarters at ul. Bolesława Krzywoustego, nr 7, 61-144 Poznań.
The Agenda of the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders comprises:
Opening of the General Meeting.
Electing the Chairman of the General Meeting.
Determining whether the General Meeting has been convened correctly and is capable of passing binding resolutions.
Departing from appointing a returning committee.
Adopting the agenda of the General Meeting.
Presenting the Management Report for the year 2016.
Presenting the financial statements of the Company for the year 2016.
Presenting the Management Report of the Corporate Group of Elektrociepłownia „Będzin’ S.A. for the year 2016.
Presenting the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporate Group of Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. for the year 2016.
Presenting the Supervisory Board report for the financial year 2016.
Presenting the Supervisory Board reports regarding:- audit of the financial statements of Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. and the Management Report for the year 2016 as well as the Management Board's proposal on appropriation of net profit for the financial year 2016.- audit of the Consolidated financial statements of the Corporate Group of Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. and the Management Report of the Corporate Group of Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. for the year 2016.
Adopting a Resolution on approving the Management Report of Elektrociepłownia “Będzin” S.A. Company for the year 2016.
Adopting a Resolution on approving the Separate Financial Statements of Elektrociepłownia “Będzin” S.A. Company for the year 2016.
Adopting a Resolution on approving the Management Report of the Corporate Group of Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. for the year 2016.
Adopting a Resolution on approving the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Corporate Group of Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. for the year 2016.
Adopting a Resolution on appropriation of the net profit for 2016
Adopting Resolutions on granting a vote of approval to the Members of the Company’s Supervisory Bodies for performing their duties in the year 2016.
Adopting a Resolution on appointing the Supervisory Board of Elektrociepłownia „Będzin” S.A. of IX term.
Adopting a Resolution on amending the Company Statue
Adopting Resolutions on the principles of determining salaries of members of the Company supervisory body.
At the request of the Shareholder holding one-twentieth of the shares, i.e. the Minister of Energy representing the State Treasury, the Issuer Company extends the agenda of the General Meeting with the following:
21. Adoption of a resolution regarding the disposal of tangible fixed assets.
22. Adoption of a resolution regarding the rules of procedure for entering into agreements for legal, marketing, public relations and social communication services as well as management consultancy services and for making any amendments thereto.
23. Adoption of a resolution regarding the rules of procedure for entering by the Company into deeds of gift, debt discharge agreements and other agreements with a similar effect.
24. Adoption of a resolution regarding the rules and manner of the sale of fixed assets.
25. Adoption of a resolution regarding the obligation to submit statements of representation expenses, expenses on legal, marketing, public relations and social communication as well as management consultancy services.
26. Adoption of a resolution regarding the determination of requirements for a candidate for appointment to the Company's Management Board.
27. Adoption of a resolution regarding the appointment of a member of the Management Board and qualification procedure for the position of a member of the Management Board.
28. Adoption of a resolution regarding the implementation of the rules set forth in the Act on the Management of State Property in companies for which the Company is a parent undertaking
29. Closing of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting.